Everything happens for a reason

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Everything happens for a reason

I have come to discover in the course of my own life that nothing happens for no reason, as I believe that “if you truly want something to happen the whole world will conspire to make it happen, if one can connect and build up enough energy, then coincidental events begin to happen consistently” : James Redfield

Here is my story to prove it:

As I started my search of finding jam jars, I was given different addresses from many sources but nothing was up to my expectations. Eventually, I fell upon a very interesting address and was not an easy search at all. I kept asking for directions at every stop. We passed through streets we had never seen before, nothing looked familiar, but I always had a feeling that there was a natural force directing us to help make my search successful. My companions during the trip kept telling me to turn back but I insisted on continuing because of the positive feeling I had. Suddenly, I saw a young man getting into his car and I said to myself that I want to try  one last try, so I asked him if he knows the address. He looked at me and said nothing but “follow me.” A few minutes after following this stranger we started heading offroad. This is when we had an uncomfortable feeling, for we had no idea if we should trust this person or not. Consequently, I called the office number of the destination and felt very relieved when I heard the comforting voice on the other side laughing and telling me not to worry and that we were on the right track and just a few minutes away.

To my total surprise, the man that I was following blindly happened to be THE SON of the owner of the establishment. Out of all the people that we stopped, I got the perfect guide and what a charming one he was.

Here, I held my head up high and thanked my life long guide and said: “اليد الممتدة الى الله لا تاتي فارغة ابداً”

What I learned here my dear friends, is that when you want something badly and try hard and wholeheartedly you will achieve it.

Never lose the faith.

With love, Jahna





  1. Catherine Turner says:

    Your marmalade was amazing! I also enjoyed your articles and tips. This is a wonderful website that I look forward to enjoying for a long time. Thank you! You are so thoughtful and inspirational.

    • jahna says:

      Thank you for your kind words Catherine. I am happy you like the marmalade, hopefully this season you will also enjoy the strawberry.Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

      Best regards