Winterizing your homes

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Winterizing your homes

Winterizing your homes

“Close some doors not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.”

Winter is knocking on our doors. Between the two months of October and November, there is a two week period where you still feel that it is summer. Lets benefit from this time and get ready by shutting down the gardens and preparing our homes for winter.

Some are saying that this winter is going to be cold and harsh. Therefore, I decided to put together a list of a few things that need to be done around the house to ensure that small details will not get in your way when it is too late. After all the preparations that we did together before: pantry is full with jams, pickles, Labneh, etc… and freezer meals are ready, all we are left with, is a few other details that should be taken care of before it all starts. No matter where you live, mountain, city, big spaces, or small spaces, these preparations are a must:

  • Inspect your roof in case of any damages, and get repairs if needed done.
  • Clear gutters and drains from leaves. Clogged gutters can cause massive damage.
  • Check windows and make sure that there are no spaces that would allow wind to penetrate. You can resolve this by either filling the gaps with silicone or buying a special tape designed to fill the gaps.
  • Ask your pipe fitter or technician to inspect your heating system and fill your fuel tanks.
  • Have your wood fire place cleaned and checked.
  • Run the heating system beforehand to ensure that everything is functioning properly.

You dont want to be caught helpless during a cold night and be surprised with a malfunctioning heater, a window that keeps seeping cold air in, or a gutter that overflows causing serious floods.

Outdoors, garden houses

Do not rush to put away your summer garden utensils or balcony furniture without cleaning them and securing that they will be in good condition for next year’s use. If you are lucky enough, you will have space to store all these items in your storage room, if not, don’t worry you can simply cover them with special outdoor covers.

Trim all dried or overlapping branches especially the ones that are too close to the house that may cause damage when it is too windy.

Spread some fertilizer under your plants and trees to keep them healthy and strong during winter.

Check outdoor lighting and replace damaged bulbs.

Clean and cover your grills or store in a safe place.

”the wind does not blow to make trees dance, but to test their roots.”

Outdoors, city house 

“There is considerable evidence that exposure to nature can boost wellbeing,” says Dr. Stephany Wilkie, an environmental psychologist. Dont let the obstacles of winter weather deny you your exposure to nature. Instead, you are still able to move your balcony pots to a safe corner and plant winter crops, like: raddish, arugula, onion, garlic, carrot, ect…

Make sure that your balcony curtains are strongly tied down and do not need any repairs.


Wash exterior and interior windows to avoid doing that when the weather is crazy.

How many of you just dread sorting out your summer clothes ? Well I am one of those who considers this exercise a nightmare!

To make this easier on all of us, let me share with you a method that I have been practicing for a couple of years now:

1- nothing should be stored unwashed

2- air out some pieces if needed

3- prepare some big bags for donating the clothes you will no longer use, by separating them in an organized manner. It will make targeting the recipients easier. There are many institutions in the country that are accepting such donations in case you dont have a source

what I find most practical is dividing all my summer clothes, shorts, t shirts, dresses, swimwear etc… and placing them in labled plastic boxes which I then put away on the very top shelves of my closets. This helps when  unpacking in the coming season.

”you give but little when you give of your possessions, it is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”

4- pack summer beddings and bring out the flannels, blankets, and quilts

5- strip any drifty doors or windows

6- lay out the carpets, this is my favorite part

Winter is a great time for learning many skills like sewing, knitting, baking, and gardening. These activities are becoming more popular amongst youngsters because of their soothing benefits. This also helps the youth in diverging their habbits of constantly working or checking their phones and other devices. The stress and psychological pressure we get from social media these days can easily be channeled by engaging in one of the above activities.

This is what im stitching this winter

Recommended books to read during this long winter:

– The Fourty Rules of Love – Elf Shafak

– The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon

– Sophie’s World – Jostein Gaarder, for those of you who love philosophy

Stack your books next to your night stand or where you usually enjoy to read.


Get your car serviced and check your tires, whippers, and place some anti freeze solution into them. Place an umbrella where you can easily reach it in case of unanticipated rain. Keep a small snow shovel handy for when you are in the mountains.

I am now looking forward to the winter times of warmth and family gatherings. I can already imagine the afternoon tea get togethers where we will be having toast topped with my jams (Jahna’s seasonal jams) that will bring back the smell and flavor of spring, summer, and autumn. My house is now clean and warm so let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.

Essential tip*: drink lots of fluids filled with vitamin C to boost your immunity against the flu.

Till we meet again.

with love,



  1. Najat says:

    Ur really the treasure of our group. God bless those hands

  2. Dina Osman Toubayly says:

    I loved each and every tip you gave for getting ready for winter. You even made me look forward for the cold season. I also love the great quotes you use amongst your tips👍👍 Even loved the books you recommended 😍It’s a blessing to have you as my knowledgeable friend 😘😘

  3. Amal Zakka says:

    Thank you very much for all the tips you gave to prepare for winter. You are really a great help to all of us, God Bless you Habibty & all the Best 😘👍